מאמר חדש, 2023, ירון להבי, הוצאת דו דילין
Recent publications:
D. Fortus, M. Kubsch, T. Bielik, J. Krajcik, Y. Lehavi, K. Neumann, J. Nordine, S. Opitz, I. Touitou (2019). "Systems, transfer, and fields: Evaluating a new approach to energy instruction". Journal of Research in Science Teaching, DOI: 10.1002/tea.21556
Nordine, J., Fortus, D., Lehavi, Y., Neumann, K., & Krajcik, J. (2018, 07). Modelling energy transfers between systems to support energy knowledge in use. Studies in Science Education, 54(2), 177-206. doi:10.1080/03057267.2018.1598048
Lehavi Y., Mualem R., Bagno E., Eylon BS., Pospiech G. (2019). Taking the Phys-Math Interplay from Research into Practice. In: Pospiech G., Michelini M., Eylon BS. (eds) Mathematics in Physics Education. Springer, Cham
Lehavi Y., Merzel A., Segal R., Baram A., Eylon BS. (2019) Using Self-video-based Discourse in Training Physics Teachers. In: McLoughlin E., van Kampen P. (eds) Concepts, Strategies and Models to Enhance Physics Teaching and Learning. Springer, Cham
Pospiech G., Lehavi Y., Bagno E., Eylon BS. (2019) Views and Strategies of Teachers Concerning the Role of Mathematics and Physics in Physics Lessons. In: McLoughlin E., van Kampen P. (eds) Concepts, Strategies and Models to Enhance Physics Teaching and Learning. Springer, Cham
Pospiech G., Eylon BS., Bagno E., Lehavi Y. (2019) Role of Teachers as Facilitators of the Interplay Physics and Mathematics. In: Pospiech G., Michelini M., Eylon BS. (eds) athematics in Physics Education. Springer, Cham
Ruti Segal, Yaron Lehavi, Avi Merzel, Ami Baram, Bat-Sheva Eylon (2019). Self-Video-Based Discourse as a Lever for Developing Pre-Service Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference The Future of Education (Florence, Italy, 27-28 June 2019)
Bagno E., Berger H., Magen E., Polingher C., Lehavi Y., Eylon B. (2019) Starting with Physics: A Problem-Solving Activity for High-School Students Connecting Physics and Mathematics. In: Pospiech G., Michelini M., Eylon BS. (eds) Mathematics in Physics Education. Springer, Cham
Lehavi, Y., & Eylon, B. S. (2018). Integrating Science Education Research and History and Philosophy of Science in Developing an Energy Curriculum. In History, Philosophy and Science Teaching (pp. 235-260). Springer, Cham.
Segal. R., Lehavi. Y, Merzel. A., Baram. A., Eylon. B. Using self-video-based conversation in training mathematics teacher instructors. Accepted to Research Report. In Bergqvist, E., Österholm, M., Granberg, C., & Sumpter, L. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 42nd Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, (2018) (Vol. 4 pp. 139-146), Umeå, Sweden: PME.